
Welcome and thank you for being here! In finally creating this website it is my goal for it to be a source of education for you. Since day one of opening my own business I wanted to create not only a sacred space for you to relax but also a space where we were not the status quo of wellness studios. My goal is to educate my clients on the importance of looking at the body as a whole not just one part of it. True wellbeing is looking at how the connection between physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual can affect all aspects of our bodies and lives.

So grab a cup of coffee, or tea and enjoy the journey. Stay tuned for more blogs about health, wellness, post-op care, and recipes. If there is something you’d like more information on or would like to see more of please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Light, Love & Kindness



5 Tips To Improve Your Digestion